Join the Cross of Christ Legacy Fellowship
As a faithful supporter of Langham, you help us respond to the urgent need for equipped biblical leaders who impact congregations with God’s Word. And as a faithful steward of God’s gifts, we know you care deeply about leaving a legacy with Kingdom impact.
For this reason, we created The Cross of Christ Legacy Fellowship, to connect you to Langham’s mission and to a global community of the cross. The name reflects Langham founder John Stott’s passion for the cross as the grounds of his salvation, yet it also reflects the heart of Langham’s ministry and is the title of one of Stott’s most beloved books.
As a member of the Cross of Christ Legacy Fellowship, you will enjoy meaningful benefits that include:
Conference call updates from Langham and global church leaders
Up-to-date news and discounts on books written by Majority World authors

Invitations to meet global church leaders serving on the frontlines.
If you have already included Langham in your will, trust, or beneficiary designation, we would love to hear about it and to welcome you to our growing community of Legacy Fellowship members! Click here to email Kevin VandenBrink (Langham’s Legacy Giving Director), or download the PDF form below and follow the instructions included.

We're Here to Help
Kevin VandenBrink, Legacy and Gift Planning Director for Langham Partnership, is a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP®) and a member of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners. He is passionate about helping people like you who care about the global church and long to be wise stewards.
Kevin would love to hear more about your goals and values, celebrate what the Lord is doing through Langham, and visit with you about the options and benefits of including Langham in your planned giving. Click here to send an email to Kevin VandenBrink, pictured to the left, or call Kevin at (314) 488-0256.