Thank you for considering a gift to
Langham Partnership in your Will or Trust!
By doing so, you will model to your loved ones a steadfast commitment to financial stewardship, generous living, and supporting God's Mission.
You will also help ensure that Langham Partnership continues to equip pastors and teachers to grow and equip God's church in hard places well beyond your lifetime.

Benefits of Gifts in a Will or Trust
- Legacy. Extend the impact of your generosity well beyond your lifetime.
- Simplicity. Easily add Langham Partnership as a beneficiary in your will or trust.
- Availability. Retain access to your God-given resources for the remainder of your lifetime, or for as long as you need them.
- Flexibility. Change your mind at any time about how your charitable gifts are designated.
- Impact. Potentially give the largest gift you'll ever have the ability to give.
"When we give to the maturing of the church, we acknowledge its centrality in God's purpose and his desire for its maturity"
- John Stott
"Langham Partnership is furthering God's Kingdom and helping our brothers and sisters around the world. I am glad to support this ministry through my regular gifts and to include Langham in my will."
- Anonymous Legacy Giving Donor
How to Give to Langham Partnership in your Will or Trust
Below is sample bequest language that can be used to designate Langham Partnership as a beneficiary in your will or trust.
"I hereby give to Langham Partnership USA Inc NFP, a nonprofit organization, Taxpayer Identification Number 23-7417198, the [sum of $________] or [________% of the residue of my estate], to be used for its general purposes."
Please consult with your estate planning attorney or financial advisor on the tax implications of your gift.
If you have any questions about bequest language or if you want to make a specifically designated bequest, please contact Kevin VandenBrink at or (314) 488-0256.
We'd Love to Say "Thank You!" and Welcome you to The Cross of Christ Legacy Fellowship
We know you care deeply about our mission. By letting Langham Partnership know about your planned gifts, you can help us plan ahead to meet the ministry needs about which you care so much. You also give us the opportunity to thank and honor you for the difference you will make long after your lifetime. Would you please share your decision to include Langham Partnership in your will or trust with us? You can do that by contacting Kevin VandenBrink, our Legacy Giving Director ( or (314) 488-0256) or by completing our Estate Gift Commitment Form.