Reflections from the Lausanne Congress 2024

September 2024 in Korea marked the Fourth Lausanne Congress, a historic gathering of 5,000 delegates from 200 nations, focused on declaring Christ to the world. Billy Graham and Langham Partnership’s founder John Stott, who helped form the Lausanne Movement, would have delighted to celebrate the Lausanne Movement’s 50 years.

Whether on the Congress’ platform, in the hallways or in breakouts, Langham’s role in advancing the gospel was evident. Femi Adeleye, director of Langham Preaching in Africa, keynoted Bible exposition from the Book of Acts. As a Langham Scholar, Femi stands alongside over 350 other global leaders who received PhDs in theology with Langham’s support.
Many of those leaders were in Korea, shaping the Congress’ biblical content and framework. Langham authors like Ivan Rusyn, president of Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary, shared about the book he recently edited and published (with help from Langham) on holistic ministry.
Watch: What is Langham Partnership?
Langham’s impact, seen through the Lausanne Congress

Ben Homan, president of Langham Partnership USA, met Cambodian pastors involved with Langham Preaching and a Swiss pastor, also connected to Langham Preaching, who cherishes Langham’s French-language publications. “I simply needed to walk a few paces to rub elbows with folks touched and shaped by the work of Langham Partnership,” Homan said.
“Convening such an historic multitude of sisters and brothers in the faith provided visceral encouragement in how the church extends itself across countless borders,” Homan said.
Watch: Langham Scholar Seble Daniel’s story
We invite you to continue to pray for Langham Partnership’s role in engaging with so many leaders around the world — and for the Lord to bring fruit from the Lausanne Movement’s 2024 Congress.
May we, as we seek to honor John Stott’s legacy, listen well to our sisters and brothers who share this calling.