Lifting up key Bible scholars in South Asia

Dr. Angukali Rotokha is a writer, teacher and leader in a sensitive…


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Reflections from the Lausanne Congress 2024

September 2024 in Korea marked the Fourth Lausanne Congress, a historic gathering of 5,000 delegates from 200 nations, focused on declaring Christ to the world. Billy Graham and Langham Partnership’s founder John Stott, who helped form the Lausanne Movement, would have delighted to celebrate the Lausanne Movement’s 50 years. Whether on the Congress’ platform, in the hallways or in breakouts, Langham’s role in advancing the…

September 2024 in Korea marked the Fourth Lausanne Congress, a historic gathering of 5,000 delegates from 200 nations, focused on declaring Christ to the world. Billy…

The legacy of John Stott through the Lausanne Movement

By Julia Cameron John Stott was a colossus. As Jim Packer said on hearing news of his death in 2011, “He had no peer, and we should not look for a successor.” As decades pass, history will further unfold the extent of his influence on theological thinking, on preaching, on the tensions between the gospel and culture, on the development of a Christian mind, on…

By Julia Cameron John Stott was a colossus. As Jim Packer said on hearing news of his death in 2011, “He had no peer, and we…

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