Joyfully aligning your values with your generosity

By Kevin Vandenbrink
Can you recall a conversation that impacted you deeply? Maybe with a close friend or a family member? Or perhaps a pastor or co-worker?
These conversations get to the core of who you are, what you love and how you can live joyfully in alignment with your deepest values and passions.
In recent weeks, I have been blessed to have some of these deeper conversations with Langham friends. Because we can encourage and learn so much from one another, I want to share them with you. In order to preserve confidentiality, names have been changed.
READ MORE: Four reasons why donors include Langham Partnership in their will
A child called charity
Not long ago I was talking with Jeanne from Virginia. Jeanne is a widow who has a deep love for the Lord, her children and Langham Partnership. She wanted to align her plans with her passions by including Langham and other ministries in her will. Her main question was: “How do I know what to give to ministry, and what to give to my kids?” We discussed a number of different ideas.
When I told her about “a child called charity,” she said, “That’s it!” Jeanne has 3 kids. Instead of dividing her estate three ways, she would divide it four ways — with Langham and other ministries sharing one quarter. After finalizing plans with her attorney, Jeanne felt a sense of peace, joy and gratitude. Her plans reflect who she is and what she loves.
“We are ‘blessed to be a blessing’ for kingdom work and have found Langham a worthy partner.”
— Anonymous Langham Legacy Fellowship Donor
A stock gift that simplifies and impacts the kingdom
Gary and Susan love the way Langham trains leaders who train others around the world, and they have hearts to see the global church strengthened. They also own some stock that has been held for a long time and has appreciated in value. The dividend income from the stock complicates their taxes, and if they sell the shares, they will pay significant capital gains taxes.
Their question: “Can we give the stock directly to Langham to make an impact around the world, simplify our finances and save on taxes?” What a great question! The answer is yes. We’re working on that gift arrangement right now, and I’m eager to see the impact it will make in their lives and in the church throughout the Majority World.
What would Langham do with $1 million dollars?
Debbie lives on the West Coast. She met John Stott at Urbana, and she has been supporting God’s work through Langham Partnership for decades. Her family owns farmland rented out as a source of income. Debbie explained that when she goes to be with the Lord (“one never knows when!”), she would like the proceeds from the sale of this land to be used for the Lord’s work.
We talked about Langham Preaching, Langham Scholars and Langham Literature. We talked about the strategic plan that guides our global priorities. And we talked about the impact that a gift of $1 million could have on the church in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. Debbie is making her plans, and together, we’re celebrating the impact that this future gift will make on the church for decades to come!
Retirement funds and kingdom values
Ben and Carol live in Texas. We were recently talking about how they will soon need to take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from their IRA. Because they have other income sources and live simply, their required minimum distribution is more than they need and will increase their taxes significantly.
We discussed the opportunities and needs around the world where the church is facing great challenges. We also talked about the opportunities to give more by making a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) directly from their retirement fund. In their case, this will allow them to give more generously than they ever have, and it will save them the taxes that would be paid if they took the additional income from their IRA.
What is your ‘alignment’ story?
I would love to have a conversation with you! What is it that you love and value? How might you align your passions and resources with plans that will make an eternal difference? In addition to my experience as a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy, through Langham, you also have access to gifted Christian attorneys and charitable planners who would be happy to have a confidential conversation with you at no cost. It would be our privilege to serve you. Contact me any time or 314-488-0256.

Kevin VandenBrink, Planned Giving Director for Langham Partnership, is a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP®) and a member of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners. He is passionate about helping people like you who care about the global church and long to be wise stewards. He also brings to the Langham team many years of engagement in theological education, pastoral ministry, and global missions.
Kevin would love to hear your story, celebrate what the Lord is doing through Langham, and visit with you about the options and benefits of including Langham in your planned giving. Click here to send an email to Kevin, or call him at (314) 488-0256.