Giving Through Your Will

In my conversations with generous Christians like you, one of the most common questions I hear is: “How much should I include in my will for ministry or other charitable causes?”

If you are asking the same question, here are six approaches to making a gift in your will:

1. A fixed amount – Some donors will include a legacy gift of a fixed dollar amount in their estate plans. Depending on your situation—and your stewardship goals—this could be anywhere from $10,000, $100,000, to $1 million or more. 

2. A remainder amount – Some donors will give a fixed amount to family members or others first, and chose to have the remainder given to one or more ministries.

3. A “tithe” of my estate – Some donors will extend the principle of a tithe (or a “tenth”) to their legacy giving. These donors may have children, grandchildren, or others whom they would like to support.

4. All to charity – As stewards of God’s resources, a few will make the radically generous choice to leave 100% of their assets to charity. Perhaps they have provided for their loved ones in some other way, or they want to see their resources powerfully impact the causes they love. 

5. “A child called ‘Charity’” – Some will divide their estate equally among their children and a charity (or charities) closest to their heart. So, a couple with 2 children could divide their estate 3 ways—with a portion of their gift going to their 3rd child, “Charity.”  

6.  A gift that keeps on giving – Some donors may want to endow a gift that continues into the future. Such gifts can continue indefinitely (by spending only the interest), or they can be set up to continue for a term of years (for example, 10 or 20 years). 

Learn More

As a faithful supporter of Langham, your generosity has already been felt around the world. Your gifts enable us to train and equip biblical leaders who multiply disciples of Jesus where they’re needed most. 

When you make a legacy gift to Langham, it is our joy to welcome you to The Cross of Christ Legacy Fellowship. This community of donors shares a passion with our founder John Stott to support the growth of Christ’s church around the world for decades to come.

If you have any questions or if you want to discuss the various gift options available to you, please contact me ( or 314-488-0256).

Grateful for your generous heart,

Kevin VandenBrink
Legacy Giving Director
Langham Partnership USA

P.S. Perhaps you’ve already chosen to include Langham in your legacy giving plans. If so, I’d love to hear from you!

Kevin VandenBrink is an active member of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners and a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP®). With many years of engagement in theological education, pastoral ministry and global missions, he is passionate about helping people who care about the global church and long to be wise stewards.