John Stott’s legacy and prayers for the church

By Kevin Vandenbrink
July 27th marks the 13th anniversary of the passing of Langham’s founder, John Stott. As we remember his life, we give thanks to the Lord for the way Stott impacted the growth and health of the global church.
When I visit with Langham friends like you, I hear stories about how John Stott’s writing, teaching and life have made a deep and lasting impact. As you know, millions of people have been challenged as they read one of his more than 50 books, heard him speak at a conference, church or seminary, or even visited him at All Souls Church in London.
Lately I have been thinking about two ways John Stott continues to impact my life and the church around the world:
- First, I have been encouraged by prayers John Stott wrote, which have been a guide for my own prayers.
- Second, I have been challenged as I remember how John Stott’s stewardship decision continues to impact the growth of the church.
The prayers of John Stott
In 2020, Langham friend Mark Meynell published a book called Pages from a Preacher’s Notebook: Wisdom and Prayers from the Pen of John Stott. Mark literally went through John Stott’s folders, desk drawers and journals to compile this treasure. This book is more than an anthology of notes, quotes and illustrations. It also includes prayers he wrote out covering a range of topics and occasions. I share two here in the hopes that you will be encouraged as I have been encouraged. One focuses on our resurrection hope and another on the mission of the worldwide church:
Prayer for Christian Assurance
We worship you, Lord Jesus Christ,
because by your death and resurrection
you have broken the power of death
and through your gospel
you have revealed life and immortality.
We pray that you will be our life in this world
and our resurrection in the world to come;
so that we may not fear death for ourselves or others
but rather rejoice in your great salvation;
For you are the resurrection and the life,
the first and the Last,
and are alive forevermore.
Prayer for the Church as the Temple of the Spirit
Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you that you have given your Spirit to live in your people as his temple; receive our prayers for your worldwide church.
May its study be diligent, its worship joyful, its fellowship loving, its behavior righteous, its service humble, and its witness continuous.
Fill us all with the same Spirit today, that we may be clothed with power for our witness and ministry, and that your name (with Father and Holy Spirit) may be forever glorified.
The gift of John Stott that keeps on giving
You likely know that John Stott gave much of his life to walking with, learning from and serving alongside the global church. This passion for the growth and health of the Majority World church birthed the ministries of Langham Partnership.
Read more: How to align your values with your generosity
What you may not know is that John Stott made a decision early in his ministry to donate all the royalties from his books to equip Majority World leaders through Langham Partnership. Over the decades, this decision has resulted in millions of dollars for the global church. It continues to provide generously, even in these years following his passing in 2011!
As someone who has a heart for the Lord’s work around the world, would you prayerfully consider joining John Stott and others by including Langham in your will or trust? Many who have made this decision find great joy in knowing the impact they will make for decades to come. In fact, for most legacy donors, this is by far the largest gift they will ever be able to make to Langham Partnership and the church around the world!
“We are happy to make a legacy gift to Langham Partnership because it is such a
Anonymous Legacy Giving Donor
strategic ministry. Through Langham the Lord is training and educating pastors who are investing in others for their maturity.”
We’re here to help
We are privileged to help people think through their plans in a way that is personal, pastoral and practical. We have also partnered with a network of Christian charitable planners. At no cost or obligation, a planner will answer your questions with clarity, integrity and the utmost confidentiality. To learn more, reach out to Kevin VandenBrink at or 314-488-0256.
We’d like to thank you
If you have already included Langham in your legacy planning, would you share your decision with us? We would love the opportunity to welcome you as a member of our Cross of Christ Legacy Fellowship. Contact Kevin anytime using the contact info above.

Kevin VandenBrink, Planned Giving Director for Langham Partnership, is a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP®) and a member of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners. He is passionate about helping people like you who care about the global church and long to be wise stewards. He also brings to the Langham team many years of engagement in theological education, pastoral ministry, and global missions.
Kevin would love to hear your story, celebrate what the Lord is doing through Langham, and visit with you about the options and benefits of including Langham in your planned giving. Click here to send an email to Kevin, or call him at (314) 488-0256.