How books multiply transformation in Christ

*Emily is a librarian at a seminary in a sensitive Asian country. In her hands is more than just a book. It’s a valuable tool that helps train the future pastors, ministry leaders and marketplace influencers who study at the seminary. It’s a tool that your generosity helped to provide.
Your support allows Langham to provide much-needed books to Majority World seminary libraries so students and faculty can study, learn and grow in Christ. Last year, you sent 17,697 books to 773 Majority World Bible colleges and seminaries in 84 countries–10,997 of them were supplied free of charge!
A third-party study of Langham’s ministry impact shows that these books help Bible colleges and seminaries throughout the Majority World, where resources are scarce, to more effectively train leaders because:
- More courses and degrees can be be added (27% of schools added 3 new courses!)
- More students can be trained (61% of schools educated 22% more future leaders for the global church!)
- More relevant books can be used (17% of schools could switch 3 of their courses from using western textbooks to non-western textbooks!)
Of course, it’s about more than just the books. It’s about the lives impacted as pastors and lay leaders can more effectively study and share God’s Word in their congregations, communities, and workplaces.
Emily estimates that over the past few years, the seminary has received more than 200 books at significant discount through Langham’s library book grant program. Of the books, she says, “We need them for our courses, for our programs, for our faculty for their research, and for our students for their studies. . .They help us fulfill our mission to train up Christian workers who can be transformers for Christ, for the gospel.”
Thank you for your generous support of Langham. Together, we are equipping and resourcing future generations of biblical leaders around the world.
Learn how, with your help, Langham gets biblical books into the hands of believers like Emily around the world.
*Names have been changed to protect those serving in sensitive regions.